Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dear McDonalds of Norton-
Though I will not reveal my name to you, I would like to make it aware that I am a Norton resident and student athlete who is very involved in my training and education. I train daily, and usually head home around seven thirty. The only thing that gets me through the three and a half hours of exercise is the thought of a beautiful M&M McFlurry. After a long, excruciating practice, the last thing I want to here when I pull up to the drive-thru is that your god damn ice cream machine is temporarily not working, and all this crap about how sorry you are for the inconvenience. This has happened eight out of the ten last times I went to get an ice cream, I would like to point out that these trips were completely on random occasions. I understand that your restaurant is a popular stop for many people, but if you would like to keep me as being your customer, I suggest you either get a new machine or stop having the idiots of your business keep breaking the stupid machine.
Get your freaking machine fixed

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